(Searching for new customers on Twitter? Try Qureet's Lead Generation service instead)
Your Twitter timeline is probably full of repeat tweets and marketing messages which you can't get rid of. Qureet «curates» your experience by detecting and dropping all repeat and spam tweets from your daily digest.
Setup Qureet to send you a daily email for all tweets under any #Hashtag. Want to track a specific @UserQ? ureet lets you do that too. You can also *drop* any #Hashtag, @User or keyword you want eradicated from your daily digest.
One tool to incorporate Twitter into your busy day: @TweetQureet curate top tweets by interest: http://t.co/LkavS2GTex #CivilServiceLive
— Daniel Riches (@RichesDaniel) June 25, 2014
Cont. to be surprised of how well @TweetQureet works in its perceived simplicity. Does very good job of reacting to new keywords you tweet.
— Samuel Lampa (@smllmp) September 14, 2015
@AndrewBonello start to receive my first emails from @TweetQureet. Pretty cool. pic.twitter.com/yzpmLoGwVo
— William Kennedy (@goinggodotnet) April 11, 2014
Signup for emails with the cream of your Twitter timeline each day - tailored to your interests at @TweetQureet: http://t.co/DtiML0EKIb
— Greger Wikstrand PhD (@GregerWikstrand) April 14, 2014
Connaissez-vous @TweetQureet ? http://t.co/HSpWnHgkaL [en] Un outil devenu indispensable pour ma #veille sur #Twitter
— Monique Brunel (@webatou) December 31, 2014
Qureet is Multi-Lingual
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